Friday, October 25, 2013

You've Got Mial

I was brushing my teeth this morning and started to think about my RAK (Random Act of Kindness) for the day.  I’m glad I didn’t have to go through the whole day wondering what I was going to do.  No I didn’t look into my crystal ball.  I just had God speak a name as I was thinking about today’s RAK and some movie tickets that I wasn’t going to use.  People everywhere have needs; we just have to pay attention.  I’ve known about a couple who have had some financial struggles.  Their budget is so tight that it squeaks.  I’m sure that really makes it difficult to have date nights and walk without everyone hearing you from a mile away.  Don’t get me wrong, you can have date nights without money but you have to get really creative.  No, this post isn’t about creative date nights; it is about giving to someone in need.  So my covert mission today was to mail these movie passes to this couple with a note.  I basically addressed the note to both of them and told them that God was thinking of them because he wanted me to send them these movie tickets.  I didn’t sign my name to it and I didn’t write my name in the return address.  As luck would have it, I had their address because of a bible study that was scheduled at their home a few months before.  I dropped the envelope in the mail slot and some couple will be receiving those passes soon.  I breathed a sigh of relief that I wouldn’t have to donate a limb.  I’m going to take this time to share of one moment in the past when someone helped me out, so I’m only looking back for a brief moment to give you a glimpse of what it feels like to be on the receiving end.  I had a friend of mine come up to me a number of years ago.  I was really struggling to raise my kids on my budget.  They needed socks and basic undergarments but it seemed as if my paycheck was gone to pay bills every week with very little left over.  My friend handed me a gift card to Wal Mart for $100.00.  Yes, you read that right; one hundred dollars.  She told me that it wasn’t from her, that someone had given it to her to give to me so that I could by the kids clothing or whatever they needed.  I was floored!  I asked her who had given her the gift card but she told me that the person wanted to remain anonymous.  I told her to please thank that person from the bottom of my heart.  I proceeded to take the kids to Wal Mart and bought them their undergarments and some clothing.  Receiving that gift card helped me tremendously at a time when I really needed help and my kids needed help.  Shortly after that (about 4 weeks later), I received another $100.00 gift card from someone else.  No it wasn’t raining gift cards that year, but this happened to me three times in a period of five months.  I thank God for those people that listened to God’s urging to bless me.  So before you tell yourself you don’t have time, or don’t have money or are worried about what you’re going to do about the problem that just landed at your doorstep, take a moment to step back, exhale... and just do it.  Bake those cookies to give to the new neighbor, wash the car for a single parent who has about 10 million other things to do, let the person in line behind you with one item, in front of you and your cart full of groceries or babysit for a couple who need a date night.  You’ve heard the saying it’s the little things that matter?  I can attest to the fact that when someone thought of me and my needs, it meant so much to me.  To that couple I sent those movie passes too... you’ve got mail.

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