Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's What I Do

For the record, just because 3 out of 5 of my blogs posts about RAK’s (Random Acts of Kindness) involve food doesn’t mean I have a problem.  Even if I did have a problem I don’t think I would admit it, in fact I would vehemently deny it.  Since today’s blog post also involves food, you can now say 4 out of 6 of my blog posts are about food.  I can’t help it, food is what I do.  Whether it is baking a cookie, or putting a casserole together; I throw the ingredients together and people just show up.  It gives new meaning to the words house pests... I mean guests.

 I invited two people over for dinner today.  One a single mom and the other mom is married but her husband works nights so she is usually home alone most evenings with her little girl. 
I wasn't sure what I would do for someone today.  I thought about it a little and came to the conclusion that any day that I don't have to cook is a good one.   Naturally I thought these girls would feel the same way.  I called them up and let me tell you, it did not take much persuasion on my part.  In fact I could barely utter the words "dinner" before they were at my front door.
All kidding aside it is nice to share a meal with friends.  For the most part we ate in silence.  I don't know if it was because I had a movie on or because they were so impressed with my culinary skills that words could not express what they were feeling. I'd like to think it was the latter so don't burst my bubble.
When dinner was over and the movie done I sent them home with some of the baked goods I made yesterday.  They were only to happy to take them home.  They practically ran out the door as if I was going to change my mind.  It was that or maybe they were starting to feel the effects of the broccoli.
Cooking a meal for someone is something I'm delighted to do. It is especially true when I have pests, I mean guests, who enjoy a break from the kitchen.  When was the last time you gave someone a break?  Either from their kids by babysitting, from the kitchen by preparing a meal or from cleaning by doing the housework for them. If you've not done any such thing maybe it's time. 

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