Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Can You Keep a Secret?

I woke up this morning and like every morning I started reading todays devotional for the day.  Earlier in the week I had read that if you stay focused on the past, you can’t move forward with your future.  Wow!  That really resonated with me.  I have felt stuck for a while.  So what I’ve been telling myself over and over in my head like a broken record is to forget the past and think about your future.  I really want to put into action some things that go through my head on a daily basis.  No more standing back and waiting for something to happen!  Take charge and let God lead.  So the leading I got today was to wake up earlier than usual (can you hear me groaning already?).  I trudged along and spent my time with God.  Then I washed out my reusable Starbucks cup.  Yes, in order for me to stop at Starbucks before work, I have to leave my place 15 to 20 minutes early.  All the while I knew that I would be paying for the person/s drink behind me in the drive-thru.  A myriad of thoughts went through my head, like what if someone pulls up behind me and wants to buy all the coffee Starbucks has?  I mean I can’t afford to pay for all the coffee in Starbucks.  I pulled into the drive-thru and there was no one that pulled in behind me.  I start to think maybe I won’t have anyone pull in behind me by the time I’m done.  Wouldn’t you know it, as soon as I think that thought, a women pulls up.  So my window is rolled down because I wanted to hear what she was ordering... you know, just in case she did decides to order all the coffee Starbucks had.  As luck would have it, I could not hear her order.  When it is my turn to pay for my order, I do so and timidly asked the cashier if I could pay for the woman’s order behind me?  He gave me a smile and said, “we love when our customers do that, yes you can pay for her order.”  Little did he know that I was still holding my breath praying that she hadn’t ordered all of the coffee they had in stock.  The cashier handed me back my card and said her order was a dollar less than mine.  I exhale and thank God that I wouldn’t have a need to rent out storage space for coffee.  Once I felt the relief of paying the woman’s order, I left and basically told the cashier to tell her to have a nice day.  He said he would tell her.  I pull out of the drive thru as quickly as possible.  Why?  So she wouldn’t try to chase me down and thank me.  You see, this Random Act of Kindness is between me and God.  I started to feel immense joy at being able to give to someone else.  It helped me get to work and smile doing so, even when a red truck was riding my tail all the way down the road.  My thought was to practice sign language, but then I thought again and smiled that someone out there probably needed to buy the guy a Starbucks. 

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