Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Even When They Don't Deserve It

I started baking last night.  Mainly because bosses day was last week Wednesday and I thought that my youngest child should thank the boss even if it was a bit late.  I happen to know from an “insider” that the boss loves Banana Nut Bread.  My take on Banana Nut Bread was to make some Chocolate Chip Banana Nut Muffins, everyone say yummy!  As I was making my muffins I was thinking about today’s RAK (Random Act of Kindness).  I started to pray in my mind that I would know what to do and who to bless.  All of a sudden, I get a particular person’s image in my head and I just about groaned out loud.  I thought to myself “Really God? You can’t be serious.”  So the little voice in my head said “you will take one of the muffins you are baking and give it to her.”  More groans followed.  The nice thing about this is that I have to remain anonymous with those who receive a RAK, so at least I didn’t have to reveal myself.  This morning I got up to spend my time with God and opened up to my daily devotional and low and behold today’s devotional is called “Love – Even When They Don’t Deserve It.”  I’m thinking you’ve got to be kidding me!  So I read through it and realize that on my own strength I cannot love someone like this, but with God I can.  I soon find myself joyful over the thought of blessing someone whose life I only see from one perspective.  I see the person who causes everyone around the workplace to be stressed.  I see a person who has wrought havoc over a lot of people and is not liked much by anyone.  However what I don’t see is probably those things that this person goes through at home.  I started to think to myself, we all have parts of our lives that people don’t see.  I don’t know what this person goes through...until I’ve walked a mile in their shoes and all that.  So I found myself trying to get out the door early (insert groan) so that I can stop by the grocery store to pick out a “Just Thinking of You” card.  I was in need of picking up some other items and got to the checker without the card.  Thankfully I remembered before she started scanning my items.  I went back and wouldn’t you know I had to look twice before I found a “Just Thinking of You” card.  It seems they have a very slim selection, only one type in stock.  The store could have literally asked me to pay $10 for the card; being that I was in a hurry and I probably would have paid it.  Thankfully, they had mercy on me because the card was priced at $1.99.  I cheerfully paid for my card and the six other items I hadn’t planned on purchasing, thanks to the impulsive devil sitting on my shoulder.  Okay, so maybe I needed 4 of the 6 items.  When I got into work, I filled out the card.  My message to this person was that “their job must be stressful, and that someone somewhere is thinking about them” etc.  I didn’t sign my name to the card.  I snuck over to the mail boxes and slipped the muffin and card into the appropriate mail box.  Don’t worry people, I made sure it was in a ziplock baggie so no critters could get to it (if we had any).  After my reluctant mission, I went back to my office with a smile on my face.  Although it initially felt like I would rather have my fingernails ripped out rather than give something to this person.  Now that it’s a done deal, I’m glad that I didn’t insist on God ripping out my fingernails.  Giving the card and muffin was much less painless than I thought.  It made me think of what people must think of me.  What’s their perception of me?  I’m no better than someone else just because I think I am (yes those thoughts do occur to me now and then; I’m human).  I do have the choice to act on good and bad deeds; we all do.  In this case I’m hoping I made a small difference to someone who may not be experiencing much love from anyone.

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