Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Giving for the Sake of Giving

It is important to me that this blog is not the motivation for displaying Random Acts of Kindness (RAK's).  When I first started blogging about RAK's, I did okay for the first week.  But then something changed.  I felt like I was pressuring myself just so I could write about it.  That is definitely not my goal.  So I stopped blogging so that I could remain focused on the goal and that is just to give for the sake of giving.

About a day ago, I had a friend put a call out on Facebook to her friends for someone she knew was in need of food.  I can definitely say that I have experienced times like that and when she asked if anyone was willing to help I did not hesitate. 

I don't know her friend from Adam, but I was reminded of the scripture "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?"  Just because I don't know her didn't mean I couldn't help in some way.  I'm grateful that God has put in a place where I could give to someone in need. 

Some things that can get in the way of giving to others is that its not convenient.  I had to go through cupboards and find a bag to put the food in and then transport it to my friend's home.  Oh gosh, I actually had to get up off the couch to do that!  Sometimes we make excuses of why we can't help but when you look closely, our excuses are feeble.

Something great happens when we give for the sake of giving.  Our spirits are lifted and in comes great joy!  All I can say is that if you want to experience such an abundance of joy, give like no one else.  It doesn't have to be monetary, a kind word, a hug, or a thoughtful gesture can all put a smile on someone's face.  I know if such things are given to me, I am grateful!

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